Thursday, September 5, 2013

But Where do We Begin Now That You’re Back From the Dead?

Our new place!
Yes, where do we begin? It's been over a month since my last blog post. I could make excuses, blaming it all on the move and my two projects due by September 1st. Actually, those sound like good reasons, because they are my reasons. It was a hectic month, packing, cleaning, schlepping boxes to and fro, and trying to squeeze in time to finish two manuscripts, each of 15k plus. But, I managed to do it all.

After the dust settled, I decided to take a few days to clear my head, and blogging didn't factor into the equation. I visited the Mothership, watched crazy amounts of TJ Hooker reruns and basically vegged out. But, now I'm back to work. My new digs have been very conducive to the creative process. As I type this, I'm at an adorable little coffee shop, where I did most of the writing I've done in the last few weeks. I can walk to two very nice places, with free Wi-Fi and delicious iced coffees.

I also walk to my bank, to the YWCA to swim and to several very awesome eateries and bars. The farmer's market is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and is half a block from my new apartment. In short, I'm relishing the city living, as minor-league as our city may be. There's a lot to be said for not having to drive. It's something I hope to have at our next stop, wherever that may be.

Anyway, so that's where my lost month went. I'll have some exciting news to post soon, as well as more Man Candy. So, stay tuned. Hopefully, there will be no more rabbit holes for me to fall down. At least not anytime soon.

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