Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Together We Will Rise, Out of Our Nightminds, and Into The Light At The End of The Fight

As a lover of Australia, I have been so saddened by the news and the pictures of the wildfires tearing apart Victoria. It is hard for me to imagine that kind of loss and devastation and what everyone is going through. My heart goes out to everyone affected by these tragedies. I wish there was more I could do here in America.

But, out of all the terrible stories has come one happy tale that has pulled at the heart strings of anyone who has seen it. This little koala, named Sam (pictured here with her bandaged feet), who was found by a firefighter and taken to safety. Her paws were badly burned, but she is expected to recover now that she has been rescued. And, even with all her hardships, she's managed to find a koala friend named Bob.

So I take this small glimmer of hope from all this pain and hope that Australia can recover quickly. And, I hope Sam and Bob will be very happy together.

*Anyone who wants to help can go here for more information.

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